Wednesday, November 09, 2005

 Posted by Picasa

"Have I mentioned how well my Google stock is doing?" Posted by Picasa

"Now I think I'm ready for the Zorb tomorrow." Posted by Picasa

Nightfall in Napier Posted by Picasa

Dusk settles in Posted by Picasa

David settles up Posted by Picasa

Your order, please Posted by Picasa

A splendid evening Posted by Picasa

Not to be forgotten Posted by Picasa

A future politician Posted by Picasa

Friendships forged Posted by Picasa

Soaking in the view Posted by Picasa

A wonderful view Posted by Picasa

Bottle brush bush Posted by Picasa

Peak House Restaurant (our farewell dinner) Posted by Picasa

Up Te Mata peak Posted by Picasa

A quick Guiness before dinner Posted by Picasa

Rose & Shamrock Village Inn Posted by Picasa

Now that was fun! Posted by Picasa

Heading back to the motel Posted by Picasa

A splendid day Posted by Picasa

Measuring our retreat Posted by Picasa

Winery art Posted by Picasa

The gift shop Posted by Picasa

"I'm enjoying myself, even if I don't drink wine" Posted by Picasa