Thursday, November 03, 2005

 Posted by Picasa

And yet another coach awaits to take us to our hotel Posted by Picasa

Three fireboats ("Toia", "Ngahue" and "Kupe") Posted by Picasa

Three sailboats ("Unicomm", "Bayleys" and "Loaded Hog") Posted by Picasa

Entering Wellington Harbour Posted by Picasa

A most pleasant way to travel Posted by Picasa

Making our way through Marlborough Sound Posted by Picasa

View from the observation deck Posted by Picasa

The crossing begins Posted by Picasa

Port Marlborough and Picton Posted by Picasa

Downtown Picton Posted by Picasa

Picton Harbor Posted by Picasa

The tug, "Kokiri" Posted by Picasa

"Challenger" (used to be christened "Pride of Cherbourg") Posted by Picasa

Drive on, drive off Posted by Picasa

Up the gangway Posted by Picasa

All aboard, again Posted by Picasa

The Inter- islander ferry awaits Posted by Picasa

Walk across the parking area to the ferry Posted by Picasa

We arrive in Picton Posted by Picasa

Coastline and farmland Posted by Picasa

Coastine and snow covered mountains Posted by Picasa

Doesn't Jack look like Andy Rooney? Posted by Picasa

We're riding the rails Posted by Picasa

All Aboard Posted by Picasa