Sunday, October 30, 2005

 Posted by Picasa

Red Rock - The Bar (a too long evening was enjoyed there) Posted by Picasa

Outdoor cafe on the wharf Posted by Picasa

Queens- town Posted by Picasa

Downtown Queens- town Posted by Picasa

A quick dip and out Posted by Picasa

Another water craft Posted by Picasa

Ride the tethered chute Posted by Picasa

The Earnslaw returns Posted by Picasa

We can catch the Earnslaw (in no time flat) Posted by Picasa

Make way for the Jet boat Posted by Picasa

The Earnslaw is underway Posted by Picasa

The Earnslaw is about to sail Posted by Picasa

Lake Wakatipu Posted by Picasa

Lake Wakatipu Posted by Picasa

A fine feathered friend Posted by Picasa

St Omer Park, across from the hotel Posted by Picasa