Saturday, October 29, 2005

 Posted by Picasa

Room with a view Posted by Picasa

My room is on the second floor Posted by Picasa

We approach our hotel -- Rydges Posted by Picasa

Sheep on the run Posted by Picasa

Those white specks are sheep Posted by Picasa

Back down the mountain Posted by Picasa

Anyone need a lift? Posted by Picasa

Off and away Posted by Picasa

Two para- gliders preparing to take off Posted by Picasa

Can you spot the yellow and red para- sailers? Posted by Picasa

Wave hello, Chris Posted by Picasa

The climb was worth it Posted by Picasa

Top of the mountain (as far as the road will take us) Posted by Picasa

The Remark- ables Posted by Picasa

Up the mountain we go Posted by Picasa

Shotover River Posted by Picasa

A Remark- ables view Posted by Picasa

Queenstown - where we're going, Invercargill - where the world's fastest Indian came from Posted by Picasa

Our new coach awaits us for a speedy trip up the mountain Posted by Picasa

We land in Queens- town Posted by Picasa

Final approach into Queens- town Posted by Picasa

The mountain tops are much higher than we are Posted by Picasa

In flight to Queens- town Posted by Picasa

Flying to Queens- town Posted by Picasa