Friday, November 04, 2005

 Posted by Picasa

"How the hell did Hans manage to miss the bus?" Posted by Picasa

This calls for a glass of Sauvignon Blanc with lunch Posted by Picasa

Lunch with a view Posted by Picasa

The Skyline (restaurant) Posted by Picasa

Top of the line Posted by Picasa

Do Not Walk On Tracks Posted by Picasa

A full load Posted by Picasa

Boarding the cable car Posted by Picasa

Cable Car entrance Posted by Picasa

Stained glass window Posted by Picasa

Hearing a bit of the Church's history Posted by Picasa

Old St. Paul's Parish Church Posted by Picasa

Custom House (notice the bird in the top left hand corner) Posted by Picasa

Beehive (guv'mnt offices) Posted by Picasa

The Greatest Explorer Posted by Picasa

Adminral Byrd memorial Posted by Picasa

"Bet this baby still packs a punch, eh Oren?" Posted by Picasa

David and canon (with a story) Posted by Picasa

Wellington downtown Posted by Picasa

Wellington airport Posted by Picasa

Wellington Harbour Posted by Picasa

A view from a hill Posted by Picasa

Museum of Wellington, City & Sea -- Free Entry (but it was closed) Posted by Picasa

Forest & Bird storefront Posted by Picasa