Thursday, October 27, 2005

 Posted by Picasa

Examples of Maori crafts Posted by Picasa

Tour guides walking Posted by Picasa

Steamy view Posted by Picasa

A local swimming hole (for locals only) Posted by Picasa

Geysers up close Posted by Picasa

A walk to the geysers Posted by Picasa

Maori meeting hall Posted by Picasa

Ornate Maori building Posted by Picasa

Visiting the grounds Posted by Picasa

Students learning Maori crafts Posted by Picasa

A tour of Maori culture, arts and crafts Posted by Picasa

We aren't the only touring group in town Posted by Picasa

Otorohanga public square Posted by Picasa

We take a break along the way Posted by Picasa

Roger, our coach master Posted by Picasa

Our coach awaits Posted by Picasa

Morning in Auckland, and we're off to Rotorua Posted by Picasa